Meet the filmmakers who want to bring more TV and movie productions to Maine
by Rob Caldwell, News Center Maine
Members of Picture Maine, a group working to promote film and TV production in the state, photographed at the U.S. Custom House in Portland, where they planned to hold the group’s first fundraiser. Left to right are Sarah Clarke, Amanda Bowers, Patrick Roche, Molly Conners, Xander Berkeley, Peter Duggan and Erik Van Wyck. Shawn Patrick Ouellette/Staff Photographer
Filmmaker group pictures a brighter future for Maine’s movie industry
A new group called Picture Maine is part of a growing effort by local film professionals to create a larger media production industry in the state.
By Ray Routhier
Portland Press Herald
Indie Film: Could economic report on filmmaking finally get lawmakers’ attention?
The Maine Film Association put out a study saying the industry contributed $64 million to the state's economy.
By Dennis Perkins
Portland Press Herald
OPEGA Review of Tax Benefits for Media Productions Companies
On June 15, 2022, the Government Oversight Committee (GOC) met with the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability (OPEGA) to conduct a review of Maine’s current film incentive program, including its overall effectiveness and application. Members of both Picture Maine and Maine Film Association have been interviewed in pursuance of gathering information for the final report.
Bringing Tax Incentives to Maine
Host Luigi Scarcelli talks with actor and filmmaker, Erik Van Wyck about proposed legislation to provide tax incentives for filmmakers who produce films in Maine.
Friday PM,
Portland Media Center
Sissy Spacek and Tom Wilkinson in a scene from the film ‘In the Bedroom’, shot in Maine. (Photo courtesy Strand Theatre)
Filmmakers push legislative bill to attract more film, TV productions to Maine
By Kay Stephens,
Penobscot Bay Pilot
Greg Finley, a veteran actor from Scarborough, during filming of “Downeast” on Portland’s waterfront last year. Photo by Jasper Lowe
Our View: In movies, Maine should play itself more often
As a new movie featuring Portland hits screens, lawmakers should consider how to get more productions to film here.
Editorial Board,
Portland Press Herald
In the recent CBS All Access series based on Stephen King’s “The Stand,” which premiered in late 2020, locations in western Canada stood in for Ogunquit. Photo by Robert Falconer/CB
More films could be made in Maine under new proposal
By Ray Routhier,
Portland Press Herald
Maine Voices: Film-media community has room to become a far bigger part of Maine’s economy
State agencies, private businesses and cultural institutions – not to mention Stephen King – should seize the chance to invest in and work with Maine media makers.
By Louise Rosen,
Special to the Telegram